St Vincent de Paul is continuing its process of doing much-needed repairs and upgrades. Our decades-old carpet needs replacing. We can replace the carpet with tile, which will last a lifetime, but we need your help. For $250, you can have your family's name or someone else's memorialized on our giving tree. You can donate via check by marking it for the tile or online. You can fill out your leaf on this form here. Thank you, and God bless. By visiting the church's virtual tour, you may see the current progress of the renovation.
Recently we have repaired a wall leak in the back of the church. The wall has been repointed, and the inner wall replastered. We have also successfully repaired and renovated the outdoor ramp. These are the small steps we can take to improve the overall condition of our church building. Thank you! Below you may find pictures showing the repairs. All of that is thanks to your generosity.
We have had to do several large repairs to the church in the past year. If you would like to donate specifically for this purpose, please contact our pastor, Fr. Michal Sajnog. You have our sincere gratitude for your generosity.
Thank you to all our generous donors for supporting the tiling of the Sanctuary. The Sanctuary tiling has been completed, and we are now resuming our masses back in the main Church upstairs. The Church is in the continued need of additional improvements, so we humbly welcome your support and donations to help our parish.