For listings of live stream Masses and prayers, please go here ( Stay safe always and let us continue to unite ourselves in prayer.
Dear St. Vincent de Paul Family, I pray that you are all doing well. This has certainly been an unprecedented week in our nation and around the world. It seems that almost every few hours we are receiving updated information and guidance from the Archdiocese as well as local, national and world leaders and global health experts. I know how easy it is for us to feel overwhelmed by it all, but let us not lose hope. The news we hear seems dire and no reprieve seems on the immediate horizon. But this is precisely why it is so important that we get and remain grounded in our faith. With the cancellations of public masses, I continue to urge you to have your masses on TV and unite each other in our prayers. I will be offering my mass for your intentions. We continue to pray for those who are ill with this virus and for those who care for them, especially in countries that have been most affected. We also pray for health and frontline workers as they face their daily tasks. And we remember those communities, employees and businesses that have been affected as a result of the virus. While lots of things have been canceled by the coronavirus, but love is not one of them. Most of all, let us remember this- God is in control and we are in His hands. You are in my prayers and thoughts. Fr. Andy
Archbishop Gregory has indicated Masses open to the public, in ALL archdiocesan parishes, missions, and campus ministries will not be celebrated starting this Saturday, March 14th until further notice. Weddings and funerals may proceed but attendance should be limited to immediate family. Archbishop Gregory has also issued a dispensation from the obligation to attend Mass during this time to all parishioners of the Archdiocese of Washington.