It?s not enough for us simply to say we ?love the Lord,? we have to show him we love him. Furthermore, we have to grow in our love for him. My hope is that our parish will do everything we can to grow in our love for the Lord.
A great way for us to grow in our love is for us to deepen our understanding of the gift of the Most Blessed Sacrament. Learning how and why Jesus gave us this great gift will enable us to stand strong and tall in the midst of a world that still does not yet fully know Christ. The Scripture and the Church have given us great insights and we should learn what they are and make them our own.
I?m pleased to announce a Wednesday evening scripture study for our parishioners and all who may be interested. The subject of the study will be ?My Flesh is Real Food: Biblical Understanding of Eucharistic Devotion.? The study will be at St. Benedict the Moor in the Quander Room from 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM beginning Wednesday, October 15 and ending November 5.
Join us for four Wednesday evenings of learning, growing, and strengthening our faith. Invite a friend and spread the word. And join me in prayer, that God may help us to show him we love him more and more.